
[ASH2010]Leptin:The Never ending Story——Dr.Mark Allyn专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/5/21 11:10:00




   <International Circulation>: In your previous session you mentioned leptin in the treatment of obesity and the example you used was in children. What is the status of this in the treatment of obesity in adults how this could be applied?


    Mark Allyn教授:几年前开展的一项随机、对照试验观察了逐渐增加瘦素剂量治疗肥胖的疗效。结果显示,瘦素能够产生显著的生物学效应,但是需要大剂量应用;此外,瘦素并没有显著的临床效果。这可能与部分瘦素抵抗有关,大多数肥胖患者伴有部分瘦素抵抗。不过,这可能并不代表瘦素治疗肥胖的尝试就此为止。在随后的会议中,瘦素的发现者——Jeffrey Friedman博士会讲到瘦素治疗肥胖的临床疗效。此外,他也会介绍瘦素与瘦素增敏剂的联合应用,看起来联合治疗前景不错。


    Dr Mark Allyn: A number of years ago there was a controlled randomized trial on the graded doses of leptin for the treatment of what we might call common human obesity. There was a biologically significant effect but it required high doses and was not a clinically significant effect. This is probably related to the partial leptin resistance which accompanies most patients with common human obesity; however this is probably not the end of the story on the use of leptin for the treatment of obesity. Dr Jeffrey Friedman who discovered leptin is going to be talking about this regarding clinical therapy and the use of leptin sensitizers, combination therapy with leptin which look very promising.

Kenny Transcribed.       2010/05/21



Mark AllynLeptin肥胖

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