
[ASH2012]血管纤维化和动脉僵硬度——美国Minnesota大学Daniel Duprez教授专访

作者:  D.Duprez   日期:2012/5/28 15:55:46



  <International Circulation>: In the retina, can you see the vessel stiffness?
  Prof. Duprez: There are special techniques whereby you can study the dynamics. If you do a classical eye fundus exam, you look for morphological changes but there are now techniques where you can study the dynamics of what is happening but I think that is still more within the scope of research. You can certainly see the number of branches when people have a remodeling of their retinal arteries. I wrote an editorial several years ago, The Eye: The Mirror of the Heart, and I was asked to write it because the MESA Study I mentioned earlier which included about 20% American-Chinese found that if there were any early changes in the retinal vessels, these patients were much more prone not only to develop stroke but coronary heart disease as well. That is why it was suggested that the eye is a mirror for the heart. Of course, you can choose a much more sophisticated test like a coronary artery calcium score and so on, but we should not forget that in the Chinese, calcification of the arteries is much less than in Caucasians and on top of that, the Asians have the tendency to develop more microvascular disease than large vessel disease.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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