
[ASH2012]血管纤维化和动脉僵硬度——美国Minnesota大学Daniel Duprez教授专访

作者:  D.Duprez   日期:2012/5/28 15:55:46



  <International Circulation>: Vascular fibrosis and arterial stiffness are two situations of vascular remodeling. How will they affect cardiac function?
  Prof. Duprez: In the whole process of essential hypertension, one of the major issues with ageing is the development of vascular fibrosis which means that the number of elastin fibers in the extracellular matrix will go down and these elastin fibers make the blood vessel more elastic. Then the second major component of the extracellular matrix is collagen. Within the scope of inflammation, diabetes and obesity and even with the ageing process, you see that there is much more synthesis of collagen but also its breakdown and the collagen fibers become less uniform and more in disarray. As a consequence the vascular fibrosis will influence the arterial stiffness (which is the reverse of arterial elasticity) and this is determined by two main components. The passive component is the inert structure of the extracellular matrix mainly elastin and collagen fibers and on the other hand there is the active dynamic component which is determined by the arterial vascular smooth muscle tone. Vascular smooth muscle tone is determined by the regulation of the autonomic nervous system and local humoral factors. So if the vessels are stiff then it is logical that you will see with ageing that the systolic blood pressure value will increase while the diastolic blood pressure either doesn’t change or has a tendency to go down. As a consequence the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressures, what we call the pulse pressure, will increase. As the heart pumps blood out through the aorta to distribute oxygen and nutritional elements to the different tissues, if the arteries are becoming stiffer, we see an effect on wave reflection.  At the end of the arterial system at the level of the arterioles, there is reflection of the waves back. If these vessels are increasingly stiff (you can compare them to a water hose), then these wave reflections come back earlier and earlier, not only during diastole but during systole. As a result, when the aortic valve opens and the heart starts to eject the blood, and wave reflections are coming in, the load on the heart increases and the heart has to exert much more effort to pump blood out. This leads to increased left ventricular mass and left ventricular hypertrophy while on the other hand, we see that the whole process of fibrosis then occurs not only at the level of the blood vessels but also at the level of the heart. That is one of the reasons why diastolic dysfunction is responsible for more than 50% of hospital admissions for heart failure. We see in ageing, especially in women, more diastolic heart failure because their vessels get stiffer. One other major determinant is height. The shorter you are, these wave reflections are returning much earlier and further to that there is a change in hormones in women. We looked at the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) where there are more than 6600 people and about 20% of those are Chinese. We can see that Chinese women have the lowest arterial elasticity or inversely translated, Chinese women have the highest arterial stiffness. In the Chinese population, hypertension is becoming a major problem and I suspect that because they live longer, there will be even greater consequences on their diastolic function. They will develop diastolic dysfunction which means there is an impairment of the left ventricle to relax to fill which leads to pulmonary congestion despite the systolic pumping function remaining normal.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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